Well, it's the last day of June. We leave for Wisconsin at 0655 tomorrow morning from Glasgow Airport via Manchester to Chicago. That means checking in at 0530 and an appallingly early rise - the things I do for Boys' Brigade! I have taken today as holiday to have time to do last minute things, and to pack for the trip.
I think if anything can go wrong it has on this one. I had problems with the design for our special trip polos and Tshirts, and so only got them on Friday. The sizes seem to have been a bit wrong this time but a phone call first thing this morning established that it is too late to get any more done. The screens need set up again and then there are four print runs, so job cannot be done in a day! So tomorrow some people will be wearing shirts that don't fit!
I got some pennants done specially as well. Went to collect them on Friday as well, and discovered they had only done one instead of the five I had ordered. So trip back there on Saturday morning to collect the remainder.
That was on top of them not being able to work off a Word document for the engraving I wanted done. Needed it in Adobe Illustrator - the sort of program we all have on our home PCs. Ended up having to change my idea about a gift entirely, and do it all over the phone. What I have now is a bit smaller than I would have chosen, but no matter.
Called BMI group sales this morning to pay the fee for changing a name on the tickets (long story on that one, but let's not go there!). They wanted £75 for that although the contract said £35, so after long debate they finally accepted the contract price.
Now the bank have been on to say they can't pay the international transfer as the SWIFT Code I have given them is coming up as invalid! Need to wait until 3 pm our time to raise Brigade in Neenah to check that!
Hey ho! What next? Went to the airport this morning to try to set up an easy checkin with our group of 26, and all was sweetness and light. Not phased by the number or the idea of several sets of bagpipes as extra luggage! Bet BMI don't have the boarding passes etc all prepared tomorrow morning as promised to speed us on our way! But something has to start going right sometime soon.
Anyhow, here's are some pics of where we are going. Let's hope the weather is good!
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